Self-employment as a form of Economic Activity Conducive to Reducing Unemployment Among Young People in Poland


  • Beata Irma Buchelt Cracow University of Economics, Faculty of Economics and International Relations, Department of Human Capital Management
  • Urban Pauli
  • Aleksy Pocztowski



youth unemployment, self-employment


Unemployment among young people is one of the most important challenges of the European labor market. It is also a strategic issue of the Polish labor market. The strategic importance of this problem causes an increased interest not only on European Union level, but also on the country one. Researchers tend to identify reasons for this state of affairs, and attempts to mitigate this phenomenon. This article is part of a movement seeking solutions to the youth unemployment problem. The purpose of it is to describe the essence of self-employment, and the indication of the advantages of this form of economic activity on the labor market especially in the context of activation of young people. The article is divided into the following sections. First, it shows the status quo of youth unemployment in Poland. Subsequently, we discuss the essence of self-employment and bring closer to its’ characteristics. In the last part of the article we indicated the advantages and disadvantages of self-employment as an alternative economic activity of young people.


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Author Biographies

Beata Irma Buchelt, Cracow University of Economics, Faculty of Economics and International Relations, Department of Human Capital Management

The alumni of the Higher School of Business – National- Louis University in Nowy Sącz (undergraduate degree), Jagiellonian University (master degree) and the Maastricht School of Management in Maastricht (Master of Business Administration degree). She received the degree of doctor of economics in management sciences in 2006 at the Faculty of Economics and International Relations, Cracow University of Economics. Dr. Beata Buchelt is also long-term lecturer at the Cracow School of Business of the Cracow University of Economics, teaching at post-graduate studies, Executive MBA and International MBA. Visiting lecturer at Roosevelt University, Chicago, USA, CERAM Sophia Antipolis, School of Business, France and Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA. Associate auditor of the national competition Leader in Human Resources Management, organized by the Institute of Labor and Social Studies in Warsaw. The lecturer, consultant and trainer in the field of human resource management, strategic management, performance management, human resources management in the healthcare. The author of numerous publications devoted to human resource management. 

Urban Pauli

Graduate of Cracow University of Economics in the field of Human Resource Management. He started his academic career in 2005, previously employed in an HR consulting firm. Obtained his PhD in 2012 having written a thesis entitled “The role of personnel trainings in SMEs’ development.” His academic interests focus on: human capital development, motivation, competencies models and SMEs management. He is the tutor of post-graduate studies in Human Resources Management, School of Business Trainers and School of Coaching run by Krakowska Szkola Biznesu (Cracow Business School). For over 10 years he has been running trainings and consulting projects for companies, administrative institutions and non-profit organisations.

Aleksy Pocztowski

Academic teacher and researcher in the field of Human Resource Management, Labour Markets and Human Resource Development. Main fields of interest are: Transformation of HR-Function, Strategic and International HRM, Performance Management, Leadership, Talent Management, Diversity Issues. Chair of Human Capital Management Department at the Cracow University of Economics (CUE). He served as a Dean of the Economic and International Relations Faculty at the CUE (2002-2008). His current position is a Vice-Rector for Research at the CUE. Member of the Management and Organisation Committee and the Labour Studies & Social Policy Committee of the Polish Academy of Science in Warsaw. The former scholarship holder of DAAD and Volkswagen Foundation (Germany). He was awarded with the title “Man of the Year in HR in Poland” (2008). 


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How to Cite

Buchelt, B. I., Pauli, U., & Pocztowski, A. (2016). Self-employment as a form of Economic Activity Conducive to Reducing Unemployment Among Young People in Poland. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica, 4(323), [37]-52.




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