Directions of Changes in Strategies of Consumption for Senior Citizens




consumption, consumer behaviour, senior citizens, aging


The aging of society in Poland is beginning to be perceived as an important challenge in the social and economic spheres. Hence, it is becoming essential to become familiar with the various aspects of aging. One of the most important aspects would seem to be the sphere of consumption. The consumption of elderly people has been acknowledged as the subject matter in the herein paper. The author reflects on the changes in their consumer behaviour. On the basis of self‑research conducted in 2012 and in 2018, there is a search for answers to the following research questions: “What are the specifics of the consumption of elderly people?” and “Are changes observed in their consumer behaviour?”. The survey method was employed in the research and the results acquired indicate changes to the strategies of consumer behaviour of senior citizens in the direction of greater rationality in terms of the fulfilment of needs.


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How to Cite

Bylok, F. (2019). Directions of Changes in Strategies of Consumption for Senior Citizens. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica, 5(344), 49–66.




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