The Role of the SDR with the Prospect of Changes in the Functioning of the International Monetary System


  • Katarzyna Twarowska Uniwersytet Marii Curie‑Skłodowskiej w Lublinie, Wydział Ekonomiczny, Katedra Gospodarki Światowej i Integracji Europejskiej



SDR, international monetary system, international currency, foreign exchange reserves, international liquidity


The discussion on the need to improve the efficiency of the international monetary system generates many proposals for its reform. In the literature there are two main standpoints on the modification of the international monetary system: 1) the transition to a multi‑currency system and 2) the formation of a global monetary system based on SDRs or the creation of transnational paper money. These circumstances are a precondition for research, which aims to analyze the use of SDRs in the functions of international currency and to assess the possibility of an international monetary system reform based on an increased role for SDRs. The carried out studies show that the SDRs have ability to perform the international currency functions, but it requires significant changes in policies of the state and the creation of conditions for wider use of SDRs, both in the area of official and private transactions. The author uses research methods including a study of literature on the subject and an analysis of statistical data, mainly IMF and UNCTAD.


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Author Biography

Katarzyna Twarowska, Uniwersytet Marii Curie‑Skłodowskiej w Lublinie, Wydział Ekonomiczny, Katedra Gospodarki Światowej i Integracji Europejskiej

M.Ec., graduate assistant in the Chair of World Economy and European Integration at  Faculty of Economics (UMCS). Author of over 30 publications related to international economics and  finance. Research interests: issues of European integration, international finance and international economic relations.


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How to Cite

Twarowska, K. (2018). The Role of the SDR with the Prospect of Changes in the Functioning of the International Monetary System. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica, 3(335), 87–107.




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