The role of an urban festival in public space: case study of the Light Move Festival in Łódź


  • Magdalena Miśkowiec Instytut Rozwoju Miast w Krakowie, Zakład Rozwoju Regionalnego, Instytut Geografii i Gospodarki Przestrzennej, Wydział Geografii i Geologii, Uniwersytet Jagielloński



urban festival, public spaces, Light Move Festival, Łódź


The aim of this article is to examine the relationship between an urban festival and changes in the social and spatial-functional structures in a city. We analyze the Light Move Festival in Łódź as a case study, showing the use of light in emphasizing local identity and cultural heritage. Data for this study was collected by means of interviews with the festival’s organizers. We also present data gathered in a survey conducted among the festival’s participants in 2016. The results show the social-demographic structure of the respondents, frequency of participation and source of information. We present the correlation between the festival’s spatial organization and the guidelines of the “Attractive Urban Spaces 2020+ Program” (Strategie przestrzennegorozwoju Łodzi 2020+ w ramach programu szczegółowego „Atrakcyjneprzestrzenie miejskie 2020+”). The study presents the possibility to use an urban festival as a local potential for building sustainable social and spatial policy. With constant population outflow, such events may help to attract new residents and rebuild the city’s image. It also creates an opportunity to test temporary traffic solutions and to familiarize the residents with them. Considering the revitalization actions undertaken by the city of Łódź, one might ask a question: What kind of impact does The Light Move Festival have on the city of Łódź?


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How to Cite

Miśkowiec, M. (2017). The role of an urban festival in public space: case study of the Light Move Festival in Łódź. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Socio-Oeconomica, (29), 107–119.