Directions in the development of selected small cities in the Dolnośląskie province during 1995‒2008
małe miasta, Wrocławski Obszar Metropolitalny, przemiany przestrzenno-funkcjonalneAbstract
The situation of small cities situated within a metropolitan area is a specific one. On the one hand, they can take advantage of a vast, metropolitan labour market; on the other hand, this very same market poses a danger to the development of local markets. During the process of suburbanization, people migrate between the main city and the surroundin g communities. In recent years, many residents have chosen to leave big cities for neighbouring areas. The purpose of this article is to analyze the spatial, functional and economic changes occurring in small cities located within the Wroclaw Metropolitan Area. The time span selected for the study (1995‒ 2008) allowed for the effects of changes to be assessed and predictions to be made concerning potential future developmentsReferences
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