Changes in the urban spatial structure of Karpacz and the dilemmas the city faces in its development as a tourist destination
Karpacz, miasto turystyczne, konflikty przestrzenne, struktura przestrzennaAbstract
Located in the Karkonosze Mountains, Karpacz is an example of a community that acquired its urban character and legal status as a town as the result of tourism, and whose spatial structure has changed along with the development of the tourist industry. These changes are visible both in the increasing concentration of previously dispersed buildings, and in the city’s expansion into what was previously agricultural land and forests. Many residents (among them owners of existing tourist facilities) oppose this process, argui ng that Karpacz has already reached the maximum limits of its capacity for tourism. A relatively large area in the eastern part of the city, originally designated as a recreational site in the city’s development plan, became a bone of contention in 2009 wh en there was an attempt – so far unsuccessful – to change the city’s development plan to allow a housing development to be built in that area. This led to protests from some city residents. A poll conducted in 2011 revealed that the vast majority of Karpac z’s inhabitants were opposed to erecting new buildings on that site, and preferred to maintain the current restrictions on its development. Karpacz is a typical example of a community whose development plans, while existent, are not entirely functional, si nce they are often changed in response to the dictates of potential investorsReferences
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