A high quality public sphere and service sector as a measure of success for small cities in the Wroclaw metropolitan area
jakość przestrzeni publicznej, sektor usług, małe miasta Wrocławskiego Obszaru MetropolitalnegoAbstract
The article presents positive changes that have occurred recently in the public sphere and service sector in selected communities located within the Wroclaw metropolitan area. The clearly polycentric structure of the Wroclaw metropolitan area allows smaller geographical units to compete for residents not only with the ma in city, but also with nearby rural districts that are undergoing intensive suburbanization. In recent years, a factor determining whether an outflow of residents from a community can be prevented, or the number of residents even increased, has been the co nscious adoption of policies by local governments aimed at creating high - quality public space and services, especially social services. The authors will attempt to verify this by examining the correlation between improvements in the public sphere and an in crease in the attractiveness of real estate in a metropolitan areaReferences
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