Remarks on the spatial and urban development of Radomsko


  • Mariusz Kulesza Zakład Geografii Historycznej i Dziedzictwa Kulturowego Wydział Nauk Geograficznych, Uniwersytet Łódzki image/svg+xml



morphology, morphogenesis, Radomsko, spatial transformations


The paper presents stages of Radomsko spatial development, placed on the background of history of the town, highlighting the settlement-morphological periods, which have a decisive impact on the town development. The analysis covers town’s history from the Middle Ages to the present. In terms of settlement-morphological process, town’s spatial transformations can be divided into three periods: first ‒ the agricultural town (until beginning of the nineteenth century), second ‒ the industrial town (beginning of the nineteenth century ‒ 1945) and the third ‒ town after World War II. Contemporary Radomsko is a town with a compound urban spatial layout structure, which is a combination of many elements, differing genetically, functionally and by physiognomy. In the spatial layout can be distinguished relics from different periods of the existence of Radomsko. They reflect the stages of its development, starting with the medieval market with traces of market square functioning before the location and the adjoining narrow streets, through the elements of the capitalist city in the forms of buildings surrounding the market, and finishing with large housing blocks and single- -family housing estates from the socialist times.


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How to Cite

Kulesza, M. (2014). Remarks on the spatial and urban development of Radomsko. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Socio-Oeconomica, (16), 13–33.


