The language question and the shaping of the political map of Europe and the world. General tendencies and the latest changes
language (language area, national language), state (state territory), language policy, nationalism, political conflictsAbstract
The history of Europe and the world can be presented as a history of the relations between territory of states and language areas. Except for the earliest period of tribal states Europe and the world were characterised by independence of state and language – on the territory of a state several languages were spoken, the same languages were used in several states, on the same territory several languages were used in various functions. In later periods simplification of language situation took place – adjustment of language to state territory and adjustment of state territory to language, reduction of the number of languages in the public sphere. This process was the most intense in Europe in the period of modernity and nationalism (ca. 1800–1950, on a part of Europe’s territory also later, to present day). It was accompanied by political conflicts within individual states and between states dramatically changing the political map the continent. As a result, in Europe there is almost ideal situation where each state has its own language and each language has its own state. Outside Europe similar processes, although with a weaker pace, occur also in most countries of Asia where each country has its own main language. In Asia, contrary to Europe, there has not been adjustment of state territory to language areas. In postcolonial countries of America, Africa (outside Arab countries), Oceania and Asia (India, Singapore) the main language adjusted to state territory is a language of a former metropolis. In Arab countries the colonial heritage causes the very existence of these states and determines their boundaries but the Arab nationalism is strong enough to make Arabic the common language of these states.
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