The opportunity of development for Łowicz city are structural funds from the European Union
structural funds, revitalizationAbstract
Łowicz is a town in central Poland, situated in the Łódź province with a very rich history, culture and tradition. The history of the city reached to year 1136 (the first information appeared in the Papal Bull); it was the economic, spiritual and scientific center at that time – there was a primate court. Łowicz is the capital of the Łowicka Earth inhabited by people traditionally called “Księżaki”. In the period of political transformation many economical, spatial and social changes had occurred: liquidation of large workplaces which resulted in degradation of the industrial areas, spatial and functional issues with railway areas situated in the city center, which have become a barrier to its development, social exclusion of people living in the historical buildings and reduction of inhabitants (year 1998 – 31,750 inhabitants, year 2011 – 29,606 inhabitants). There are major challenges which are standing before the city authorities: en-couraging young people to stay in the city and entrepreneurs to invest, redevelopment of brownfields, increasing the city competitiveness, improving a life quality of inhabitants, reducing social differences.References
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