The use of structural funds for the revitalization in the 2007–2013 financial perspective by small towns in the Malopolska voivodeship
revitalization, EU structural funds, small townsAbstract
Until the Polish accession to the European Union, towns in Poland including small towns did not have funds for revitalization of degraded areas. Although the activities related to the revitalization started in the late 80's. If it had not been for the EU funds, to this day a large part of Polish public space would not have been revitalized. In 2004 Poland got an opportunity to support crisis areas and this support was used in the first programming period 2004–2006, as well as in the second one in the years 2007– 2013. I indicate in this paper the example of Małopolska voivodeship, with particular emphasis on small towns of the region, which in order to get funds had analyzed the areas which needed the most support and inscribed projects for local revitalization programs so that their revitalization was possible by funds from the European Union. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to discuss issues related to the revitalization and a way to get funds for projects inscribed in the local revitalization programs on the example of the small towns of Malopolska voivodeshipReferences
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