Changes in the structure of urban fabric of small towns – chosen cases in Cracow metropolitan area


  • Tomasz Bajwoluk Katedra Budowy Miast, Instytut Projektowania Miast i Regionów Wydział Architektury Politechnika Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki image/svg+xml



small towns, spatial structure, form, local conditioning, transformations, changes


The purpose of this article is to present some changes which have occurred in urban fabric of chosen small towns in recent years, and their effect on the attractiveness of urban space. The changes are connected with the development and transformation of the functional and spatial structure of towns, and are accelerated by the European Union funds. First of all, the condition of infrastructure as well as the quality of urban space have been improved. New facilities have been built and the most attractive spaces have been renovated. As a result of the changes that have taken place new opportunities have appeared for towns to become more competitive, basing on their individual features and local conditions. However, they are facing new problems connected with their new character, functions and bigger sizes. Also, a new image attracts other types of investors.


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How to Cite

Bajwoluk, T. (2015). Changes in the structure of urban fabric of small towns – chosen cases in Cracow metropolitan area. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Socio-Oeconomica, (19), 79–93.