Economic impact of shopping malls in the south sub-region of the Silesian voivodeship on small towns and rural areas
shopping malls, small cities, outer metropolitan zoneAbstract
The development of shopping malls affects in different ways the outer areas of large cities. It can result in changes in the economy, labour market, consumer behaviour, and land-use planning. The negative effect can be the disappearance of the economic foundations of the functioning of business entities in small towns, which provide services to the surrounding rural areas, while the positive effect can be the declining prices and improving quality of the services offered. The aim of this work is to assess the impact of shopping malls on entrepreneurs operating in small towns and rural areas, located in the southern sub-region of Silesian Voivodeship, in the zone of influence of the city of Bielsko-Biała. On the basis of a survey conducted in 2012 among entrepreneurs in selected municipalities of the Bielsko-Biała sub-region, the economic impact of shopping centers is presented. Shopping centers are direct competition for a small number of the entrepreneurs surveyed (only 7% of the total number). Loss of customers has been offset by new orders. Especially the new, friendly forms of shopping are appreciated. Shopping malls are competition for entrepreneurs but also contribute to improving the quality and competitiveness of the services provided.
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