Region as an essence component of geographical knowledge in the context of distance function


  • Jan Łoboda Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa we Wrocławiu, Wydział Finansów i Zarządzania, Instytut Turystyki i Rekreacji



Region, distance, spatial diffusion of innovation


The observation, results and regularities quoted so far bring about several theoretical and practical remarks. Let us present the most essential of them.
The function analysis, expressing the investigated distance function analysis referring to various places in space, meet many difficulties in a total presentation. The available data, used most frequently, are only samples taken from a definite place, point in space or subjectively defined time. Still, there exists an essential problem for geographical investigation, namely to what extent these samples are representative of the surrounding reality.
The interpretation of the finding obtained in this way brings about almost analogous problems. The above refers to space observation. Moreover, the relativity of distance measures is not enough to treat these conventional premises and instruments as absolute. These is the possibility of transforming the discussed variables, but their form and character are often too difficult to be determined and, thus, impractical.
The awarness of the problem mentioned above and the formalisation of the considered conceptions in a form (wave and time) of models does not eliminate the possibility of including these, and other complementary models referring to the remaining phenomena of a region, in a system of regional models. In my opinion this constitutes a proper way of investigating and programing the development of a region taken as a system.


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How to Cite

Łoboda, J. (2017). Region as an essence component of geographical knowledge in the context of distance function. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Socio-Oeconomica, (27), 73–80.