Wisdom and understanding the world
Wisdom, truth, knowledge, methaphisicsAbstract
Article presents author’s reflections on dialogs and discussions which took place during master seminar for geography students leading by him. The main issue of the seminar was enumerated by the following questions:
– What is wisdom?
– Where one can find wisdom?
– What is the measure of wisdom?
Students shared with their professor different personal thoughts which allowed him to ponder his own opinion. The article is composed of three parts. The first one – introduction shows the background of presenting problem, the second part included different contexts of wisdom: i.e. cognition, understanding, granting, occurring. In the third part – the conclusion, Author proposes answers to the three questions stating as follows: wisdom is the need of truth, one can find it in everyday life, the measure of wisdom is the willingness to offer it to the other human being.
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