Internal boundaries – external boundaries in the American context
Boundary, philosophy, tension, the State, frontier, religionAbstract
This paper seeks to present a brief outline of America as a structure of many boundaries. The United States of America came to existence on the grounds of a contract, therefore it is the first modern State, for it is built in accordance with modern philosophy. Being the cradle of many cultures and languages, this country is a particularly interesting example how to harmonize tensions and come to agreement on the border. We are dealing here with the influence of philosophical ideas and the religious thought of a divided European Christianity. In the religious attitude of deism these two spheres – in the form of the religion as a free choice – are combined. Because the State distances itself from religion, allowing the citizens to practice many religions, new frontiers appear. In principle, the government should be limited, so that society is free to act within the legal regulations, hence the frontiers function in a peaceful coexistence.References
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