Die Germanistik in Litauen – eine Germanistik im Umbruch. Eine Bestandsaufnahme unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Auswirkungen der litauischen Studienreform 2009
German Studies in Lithuania, 2009 university reform, German Studies programme offer, possible solutionsAbstract
The following survey is aimed at providing an overview of the current situation of German studies in Lithuania. Since the situation is mainly characterized by the academic reform in 2009, a cursory overview of the reform and the currently emerging impacts on the Lithuanian academic landscape is provided first. On this basis, the desperate situation of German studies in Lithuania is described as well as it is revealed why currently not even 300 students are enrolled in German studies all over Lithuania. The main attention is focused on the degree programs in German studies rather than on the current research. Finally, possible solutions are presented, which are intended as suggestions for reflection and not as a miracle cure.
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