Compliments in First Contact Messages of Poles on the Dating Website A Linguistic Analysis


  • Violetta Frankowska



Alongside the increasing number of people looking for their life partners on the Internet, there is also a significant growth of interest among linguists regarding the behavior of dating website users. The main aim of this article is to analyze the ways that people make contact in this specific context. The key issue addressed by the author in her article, is to study the use of compliments in first contact messages sent by users of a well-known Polish dating website The analysis has covered 17% of 100 messages from Polish male users to female users of the website, i.e. such messages that contained compliments. The characteristics of morphological, syntactic, lexical structure (especially the focus (HERBERT 1990) in the compliments) and the objects of compliments, is the subject of the analysis, based on examples found in this study.

Author Biography

Violetta Frankowska

Dr., studierte Germanische Philologie an der Adam-Mickiewicz-Universität (AMU) in Poznań, 2010-2011 ebenda Aufbaustudium für Dolmetscher und Übersetzer am Institut für Angewandte Linguistik, 2009-2013 Doktorandin am Institut für Germanische Philologie der AMU, 2013 Promotion (Dissertation: Geschlechtsspezifik im sprachlichen Komplimenterwiderungsverhalten. Ein deutsch-polnischer Vergleich). Seit 2013 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der AMU im Bereich ‚Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft‘. Forschungsinteressen: Pragmalinguistik, Textlinguistik, Systemlinguistik, Gestenforschung.


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How to Cite

Frankowska, V. (2017). Compliments in First Contact Messages of Poles on the Dating Website A Linguistic Analysis. Convivium. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Polen, 129–145.


