Tuberculous spondylitis: Macromorphological and radiological studies on a skeleton from the Late Iron Age monument of Nor Armavir, Armenia




Armenia, Late Iron Age, Bioarcheology, Paleopathology, Tuberculous Spondylitis


The skeleton in question derives from the Late Iron Age monument of Nor Armavir and was unearthed from burial No. 19. The deceased was buried in an unusual position. In this article, we characterize the pathological bony changes indicative of tuberculous spondylitis. The skeleton was subject to a detailed macroscopic investigation. Besides age at death estimation and sex determination, a careful palaeopathological evaluation was performed on the bone remains. In addition, volumetric (3D) computed tomography was carried out on four lumbar vertebrae (L2–5) to complement the macromorphology-based diagnosis.


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2024-04-17 — Updated on 2024-06-03


How to Cite

Khudaverdyan, A. Y., Yengibaryan, A. A., Hmayakyan, S. G., Tiratsyan, N. G., Hmayakyan, M. S., Vardanyan, S. A., … Kocharyan, V. R. (2024). Tuberculous spondylitis: Macromorphological and radiological studies on a skeleton from the Late Iron Age monument of Nor Armavir, Armenia. Anthropological Review, 87(1), 109–126. (Original work published April 17, 2024)




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