Cholera and typhoid fever in 19th-century Bielitzer Zion


  • Arkadiusz K. Wrębiak Department of Anthropology, Institute of Zoology, Jagiellonian University, Ingardena 6, 30-060, Krakow, Poland



gastroenteric epidemics, biodemography, epidemiology, parish registers


This study outlines an analysis of selected anthropo-demographic data of Der Bielitzer Zion population from parish registers and historical sources. The analysis focuses on three epidemics: cholera (two) and typhoid fever (one) which took place in mid-19th century in Bielitz. The aim of this paper is to explore the demographic structure of the fatalities due to the epidemics and to propose possible causes of any variations. Analysis shows the divergence in the age structure of deceased parishioners between the normal and epidemic years. Also, similar outbreaks of infection but of different pathogenesis could lead to observable discrepancies in the overall demographics of the deceased. In the case of cholera: more fatal cases were seen in the city, a higher frequency of deaths occurred in Bielitz females, the disease occurred only in the warm months and the outbreaks were of short duration. For typhoid fever: more fatal cases were seen in the peri-urban villages, a higher frequency of deaths occurred in the female of the peri-urban villages and the outbreak was of long duration. Frequencies and mortality rates of the above causes of death were compared with younger, more advanced populations. The similarities between these groups suggest a high socio-economical status of Bielitzer Zion.


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How to Cite

Wrębiak, A. K. (2010). Cholera and typhoid fever in 19th-century Bielitzer Zion. Anthropological Review, 73, 37–46.




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