The Impact of Too Little and Too Big Earnings Inequalities on Economic Growth




earnings inequalities, economic growth


In political economics coexist two thoughts of income (earnings) inequalities. First, motivating, which postulates bigger earnings inequalities and second, egalitarian, which postulates less earnings inequalities. In the earlier research we tried to reconcile these two thoughts. We confirmed the appearance of optimum, for economic growth, earnings inequalities (Gini index, 28%). From this perspective, both too little and too big earnings inequalities had equally a negative impact on growth. Now we’re putting one hypothesis that too little and too big inequalities cause different waste of economic effectiveness. On one hand, when inequalities are less than the optimum ones, their increase causes considerable economic growth. Then the whole of society accept the increase of earnings inequalities. On the other hand, when inequalities are too big, their downfall gives less economic profits. Demands of poor people to reduce too big disparities in earnings can be corrected by the necessity of using differential work and level of education. The research was conducted for Poland for period 1970–2006 on the economic growth model.


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How to Cite

Kumor, P. (2010). The Impact of Too Little and Too Big Earnings Inequalities on Economic Growth. Annales. Ethics in Economic Life, 13(1), 187–200.


