Dialog, etyka, gospodarka. Zastosowania dialogu w zarządzaniu w ujęciu niemieckojęzycznej etyki gospodarczej
https://doi.org/10.18778/1899-2226.15.18Słowa kluczowe:
dialogue, philosophy, ethics, economic crisis of 2008, Jurgen Habermas, Karl Otto Apel, Peter Ulrich, Horst SteimannAbstrakt
The article presents the conditions to be met by the conversation to become a dialogue. Based on the concept of dialogue was established philosophy and ethics of dialogue, which we present. Its representatives include: Jurgen Habermas and Karl Otto Apel. Then, on the example of German business ethics demonstrates how philosophy and ethics of dialogue could become the foundation of the Republican economic ethics created by Peter Ulrich and business ethics developed by Horst Steimann. In the opinion of the author, they may be helpful in developing a new version of business ethics, which is formed under the influence of reflection on experiences Financial and economic crisis that began in 2008, and whose effects are visible to this day.Bibliografia
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