Lomonosov Moscow State University: the major centre for Russian research and education into tourism and recreation


  • Anna Aleksandrowa Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • Ekaterina Aigina Lomonosov Moscow State University




Lomonosov Moscow State University, research, recreation system, recreation economy, polarized landscape


The author discusses the tourism geography research which has been undertaken at Lomonosov State University in Moscow over many years. This academic institution is one of the most famous research centres dealing with spatial recreation systems. At first (from the 1960’s), research was mainly on geographical and technical issues, but the research area was gradually enlarged for example to include social and humanistic elements. The best known research has been done on ‘spatial recreation systems’, ‘polarized landscapes’, the ‘recreational economy spatial complex’, and the ‘environmental model of a spatial system’.


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How to Cite

Aleksandrowa, A., & Aigina, E. (2013). Lomonosov Moscow State University: the major centre for Russian research and education into tourism and recreation. Turyzm/Tourism, 22(2), 7–13. https://doi.org/10.2478/v10106-012-0006-z


