Factors Influencing Pilgrimage Destinations: The Location of Calvaries and Stations of the Cross in Slovakia


  • René Matlovic University of Presov, Department of Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences,




pilgrimage destinations, Slovakia, pilgrimage, pilgrimage tourism, calvaries, stations of the cross


The article deals with destintions for pilgrimage in Slovakia; it includes a basic typology of pilgrimage destinations with characteristics of their hierarchic and spatial structure.


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How to Cite

Matlovic, R. (2005). Factors Influencing Pilgrimage Destinations: The Location of Calvaries and Stations of the Cross in Slovakia. Turyzm/Tourism, 15(1-2), 53–64. https://doi.org/10.18778/0867-5856.15.1-2.05


