Portrait before the invention of photography. Tadeusz Kościuszko’s physionotrace
iconography of Tadeusz Kościuszko, silhouette portraits, physionotraceAbstract
The engraving with the portrait of Tadeusz Kościuszko with a raised saber was one of the most popular images of the Chief from the moment of its creation in 1794 throughout the 19th century, most often copied and travested. Despite its popularity, the portrait has not been the subject of detailed research and has not received a separate study. It was only mentioned during anniversary exhibitions dedicated to Tadeusz Kościuszko and the 1794 Insurrection, when discussing the iconography of Tadeusz Kościuszko and propaganda prints related to the Insurrection.
Contrary to the information on the portrait about Quenedey’s authorship (the information concerns Edmé Quenedey 1756–1830) and Delanaux’s engraving, the portrait was associated with the name of Gilles Louis Chrétien (1754–1811). This ambiguity of authorship meant that in the literature on the subject, this portrait which was the prototype for dozens of portraits of Kościuszko with a raised sabre, is referred to as the “Chrétien type” or the “Quenedey type”.
The information left on the graphic portrait shows that it was made “mechanically”, using a device called “phisionotrace”. In fact, the engraving was made using the etching technique. The original image of Tadeusz Kościuszko made with physiotrace is not known. It has probably not survived to this day.
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