How can Georg Simmel’s Philosophy of Fashion be useful to an art historian?




Georg Simmel, Philosophy of culture, 20th century fashion, Hubert de Givenchy, Cristóbal Balenciaga


Philosophy of Fashion (1905) by Georg Simmel, while often noted in historical and artistic studies, was not paid much attention. It is not an essay on fashion artifacts, but in fact a critique of modern society profiled in terms of the phenomenon of fashion. The aim of this article is to reconstruct the dualisms on which the social phenomenon of fashion is founded, and then to draw attention to concepts that may, however, be of interest to an art historian. They are primarily the elementary terms “art”, “mimesis” and “style”, strongly rooted in tradition, which Simmel understood specifically, as well as other concepts, not obvious from the point of view of art history or even aesthetics, and useful from the perspective of philosophical aesthetics and performance e.g. tragedy, energy, mystery, jealousy, shame, thing, ornament. It seems that Simmel feels not only the social, but also the artistic and aesthetic (especially sensual) complexity of fashion, but his lack of interest in understanding fashion as art prevents him from fully exploring and using it.


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How to Cite

Kazimierska-Jerzyk, W. (2021). How can Georg Simmel’s Philosophy of Fashion be useful to an art historian?. TECHNE. Seria Nowa, (7), 173–200.


