Book Reviews


  • Yarong Wu Zhejiang University, China
  • Eleonora Ringler-Pascu West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Music and Theatre, Romania
  • Hisao Oshima Kyushu University
  • Mengtian Cui Sichuan University, China
  • Coen Heijes University of Groningen, Netherlands



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Author Biographies

Yarong Wu, Zhejiang University, China

Yarong Wu is a PhD student in the School of International Studies, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. Her research area is Renaissance English literature, particularly Shakespeare studies. The topic of her dissertation is Shakespeare’s dramatic representation of ancient Greece. She has published several Chinese articles on Shakespeare.

Eleonora Ringler-Pascu, West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Music and Theatre, Romania

Eleonora Ringler-Pascu (PhD, Timisoara) is professor at the Faculty of Music and Theatre, Department: Music-Performing Arts, Acting (Romanian and German language), West University of Timişoara, director of the PhD School, president of the Romanian-German Cultural Society from Timisoara, editor-in-chief of the journal for theatre studies DramArt. She has published many journal articles on Austrian and German literature, translations and books: Unterwegs zum Ungesagten. Zu Peter Handkes Theaterstücken „Das Spiel vom Fragen“ und „Die Stunde da wir nichts voneinander wussten“ mit Blick über die Postmoderne (1998); Österreichisches Gegenwartstheater zwischen Tradition und Innovation (2000); Österreichische Literatur ohne Grenzen, ed. Attila Bombitz, Renata Cornejo, Slawomir Piontek, Eleonora Ringler-Pascu (2009); Kurzdrama – Minidrama (2009); Drama der Antike (2010).

Hisao Oshima, Kyushu University

Hisao Oshima is Associate Professor of Drama at the Graduate School of Design, Kyushu University. His publications include articles on the Japanese receptions of Macbeth and The Tempest, and he has contributed to Tobias Döring and Virginia Mason Vaughan, eds., Critical and Cultural Transformations: Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’–1611 to the Present (Narr Verlag, 2013). He is currently working on an intertextual study of the visual reception of Shakespeare.

Mengtian Cui, Sichuan University, China

Mengtian Cui (PhD, Peking University) is a lecturer in the School of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China. Her major research fields are seventeenth-century English literature and history of seventeenth-century England. Her doctoral dissertation is on Milton’s later poetry and she has published two journal articles on Paradise Lost.

Coen Heijes, University of Groningen, Netherlands

Coen Heijes teaches at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. He completed MAs in Shakespeare Studies and in Shakespeare & Theatre at the Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham. He also holds MAs in English Literature and in Anthropology, and completed his PhD on the impact of history and culture on communication. He wrote/edited/participated in books on the abolishment of slavery, cross-cultural communication and performing early modern drama today. Journal publications include theatre reviews, interviews, and papers on the history cycle, the reception of Merchant, doubling and the use of music in performance in Shakespeare Bulletin, Multicultural Shakespeare, Theatre Journal, Cahiers Élisabéthains and Shakespeare.


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Kozintsev, Grigori. King Lear: The Space of Tragedy – The Diary of a Film Director. Trans. Mary Mackintosh. Berkeley: U of California P, 1977.
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How to Cite

Wu, Y., Ringler-Pascu, E., Oshima, H., Cui, M., & Heijes, C. (2019). Book Reviews. Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance, 19(34), 161–182.

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