Nations and Minorities in Psellos’ "Chronographia" (976–1078)



Słowa kluczowe:

Michael Psellos, nations, minorities, Byzantine Empire, „Chronographia”


The Chronographia of Michael Psellos (1018–1081) reveals a limited interest in nations and minorities within and without the Byzantine Empire. He had access to information about these peoples either indirectly (1018–1042) or more directly (1042–1078). He has a greater understanding of their complexity, especially between 1042–1059 when his friend Constantine Leichoudes was mesazon. Psellos refers to nations and minorities in his Chronographia through the prism of the imperial court at Constantinople.



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Jak cytować

Lauritzen, F. (2019). Nations and Minorities in Psellos’ "Chronographia" (976–1078). Studia Ceranea, 9, 319–331.




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