The Bohemian Redaction of the Evangelium Nicodemi in Medieval Slavic Vernaculars
Evangelium Nicodemi, Gospel of Nicodemus, apocrypha, redaction of Evangelium Nicodemi, Byelorussian redaction of Evangelium Nicodemi, Polish Redaction of Evangelium Nicodemi, Sprawa chędogaAbstract
The Bohemian Redaction of the Evangelium Nicodemi is a hybrid form of the apocryphon, combining elements of Latin traditions A and B. It circulated in central and eastern Europe, and was used as a source for late medieval translations into Byelorussian, Czech, and possibly Polish. The Byelorussian translation closely follows the idiosyncratic Latin text preserved in Gdańsk, Biblioteka Polskiej Akademii Nauk MS Mar. F. 202. The Bohemian Redaction may have also been translated into Polish, but it has left only faint traces in Polish texts. The Czech translation was carried out independently of both Byelorussian and Polish versions; it expands the text on the basis of Latin A and duplicates certain episodes. The Bohemian Redaction continued to be printed in Slavic vernaculars until the end of the nineteenth century.
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