Dots and Acute Accent Shapes in the Dobrejšo Gospel


  • Cynthia M. Vakareliyska University of Oregon, Department of Linguistics



Old Church Slavonic, Bulgarian Church Slavonic, Slavic linguistics, medieval Slavic manuscripts, liquid consonants, vocalic liquids, historical Slavic phonology, Gospels


This paper examines the distribution of three types of sporadic and infrequent diacritics in the Dobrejšo Gospel and their functions: a dot or acute-accent shape over a liquid consonant letter in OCS trъt/trьt formations, and, more rarely, over other consonant letters in clusters; a single or multiple acute-accent shape over the letter л or н in certain words; and a titlo over unabbreviated words containing OCS trъt/trьt formations.


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How to Cite

Vakareliyska, C. M. (2016). Dots and Acute Accent Shapes in the Dobrejšo Gospel. Studia Ceranea, 6, 205–224.




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