Symbolic Interactionism and the Perceived Style of Parenting


  • Zornitsa Totkova Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria



Perceived Parenting Styles, Family Environment, Retrospection, Child-Parent Interaction


This article utilizes a symbolic interactionist approach in an investigation of perceived parenting during early adulthood. The aim is to explore the family environment and family relationships in the light of how parenting is constructed through the interaction of parents with their children and with society. The findings from semi-structured interviews conducted with adult volunteer respondents concerning their recollections of their relations with their parents are summarized. This provides the basis for outlining subjective experiences of the social environment and perceived parenting styles from a retrospective point of view in respect to gender and age differentiation.


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Author Biography

Zornitsa Totkova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria

Zornitsa Totkova, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology, Institute for Population and Human Studies, at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. She obtained her Ph.D. in Personality Psychology in 2014, defending a thesis on the topic of perceived parenting styles and attachments to significant others. For the past three years she has worked on a number of projects as a team member. She has also coordinated and led two projects in the field of Traffic and Transport Psychology, assessing the role of the human factor in road safety. Her current scientific and research interests are in the fields of Traffic and Transport Psychology, Personality Psychology, and Methods of Psychological Evaluation.


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How to Cite

Totkova, Z. (2019). Symbolic Interactionism and the Perceived Style of Parenting. Qualitative Sociology Review, 15(2), 172–184.