Methodological Experiences in Collaborative Ethnography. Communication and Participation as Frameworks for Constructing in Common




Collaborative Ethnography, Stop Evictions Granada 15M, Housing, Methodology, Debate Groups


In this article, we will analyze how we built the research process of a collaborative ethnography with the Stop Evictions Granada 15M Movement (SEG15M). We will begin with a brief contextualization of the housing issues in Spain and the SEG15M movement to explain why we started the co-research experience with the movement. Next, we will clarify the composition, function, and main purposes of the ‘debate groups’ in our research, as well as their particular differences and dynamics concerning other qualitative techniques. Finally, we will focus on two main aspects, participation and communication, which emerged within the debates and later materialized into a transmedia project and the development of a radio soap opera. The latter is a product, and a process, of collaborative work that bridges communication and participation at the intra- and inter-group levels. It is a fictional story that emerges from the common lived experiences of the groups.


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Author Biographies

Aurora Álvarez Veinguer, Granada University, Spain

Aurora Álvarez Veinguer is an Associate Professor of Social Anthropology at Granada University, Spain. Her main research interests are identity construction, migration processes, collaborative ethnography, and participatory methodologies. Some of her recent publications are: Álvarez Veinguer Aurora, Arribas Lozano Alberto, and Dietz Gunther. 2020. Investigaciones en movimiento: etnografías colaborativas, feministas y decoloniales [Research in Motion: Collaborative, Feminist, and Decolonial Ethnographies]. Buenos Aires: CLACSO and the article Álvarez Veinguer, Aurora and Luca Sebastiani. 2020. “Habitar la investigación en la universidad neoliberal y eurocentrada: la etnografía colaborativa como apuesta por lo común y la subjetivación política [Inhabiting Research in the Neoliberal and Eurocentric University: Collaborative Ethnography as a Commitment to the Common and Political Subjectivation].” AIBR, Revista Iberoamericana de Antropología 15(2):247-271.

Rocío García Soto, Granada University, Spain

Rocío García Soto received her Ph.D. in Social Anthropology from the University of Granada, Spain. Her main research interests are related to housing, ethnographic methodologies, and social movements. Some of her recent publications are: García Soto, Rocío. 2020a. “Dentro/fuera y posiciones de frontera. Transgrediendo límites entre análisis y acción desde una investigación activista con la plataforma de afectados por la hipoteca de Barcelona [Inside/Outside and Border Positions. Transgressing Limits between Analysis and Action from an Activist Investigation with the Platform for Those Affected by the Barcelona Mortgage].” Empiria 48:15-38. García Soto, Rocío. 2020b. “¿Qué pasa cuando dejamos de observar y nos ponemos a participar? Reflexiones entorno a la ‘observación participante’ desde una investigación comprometida [What Happens When We Stop Observing and Start Participating? Reflections on ‘Participant Observation’ from a Committed Investigation].” Pp. 385-410 in Investigaciones en movimiento. Etnografías colaborativas, feministas y decoloniales [Research in Motion: Collaborative, Feminist, and Decolonial Ethnographies], edited by A. Álvarez Veinguer, A. Arribas, and G. Dietz. Buenos Aires: CLACSO.

Antonia Olmos Alcaraz, Granada University, Spain

Antonia Olmos Alcaraz is an Associate Professor of Social Anthropology at Granada University, Spain. Her main research interests are related to the otherness / identity process, racism and immigration, social and mass media, and ethnographic methodologies. Some of her recent publications are: Cota, Ariana S. and Antonia Olmos Alcaraz. 2020. “Sisters, Partners, or Something More? Collaborative Path Together with Stop Evictions.” AIBR, Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana 15(2):1-19; Politzer, Malia and Antonia Olmos Alcaraz. 2020. “Covert Islamophobia: An Analysis of the New York Times and The Wall Street Journal Headlines before and after Charlie Hebdo.” Comunicación y Sociedad e7601:1-24; Padilla, Beatriz, Joana Azevedo, and Antonia Olmos Alcaraz. 2015. “Superdiversity and Conviviality: Exploring Frameworks for Doing Ethnography in Southern European Intercultural Cities.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 38(4):621-635.


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How to Cite

Álvarez Veinguer, A., García Soto, R., & Olmos Alcaraz, A. (2022). Methodological Experiences in Collaborative Ethnography. Communication and Participation as Frameworks for Constructing in Common. Qualitative Sociology Review, 18(1), 6–27.


