Service Relation and Organizational Context: A Qualitative Research at Shopping Centers


  • Sofia Alexandra Cruz University of Porto, Portugal



Service Work, Service Relation, Work Organization, Shops, Restaurants, Shopping Centers


Service work has undergone changes related to their managerial practices, which bring new professional and organizational realities to employees. The purpose of this article is to explore the opportunities of a qualitative research strategy combining both semi-structured interviews and participant observations to consider work organization and analyze the existing modes of service work of different types of shops and restaurants within shopping centers. This analysis considers the existence of a complex service relation that incorporates relational and material dimensions.


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Author Biography

Sofia Alexandra Cruz, University of Porto, Portugal

Sofia Alexandra Cruz is a sociologist and Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Economics at the University of Porto, Portugal. She works in the field of sociology of work and professional groups. Her main research topics cover service work, organizations and professional groups, and social entrepreneurship.


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How to Cite

Cruz, S. A. (2015). Service Relation and Organizational Context: A Qualitative Research at Shopping Centers. Qualitative Sociology Review, 11(1), 90–107.


