Udział Polaków w rozwoju przemysłu w guberni kijowskiej w XIX w.
The industry on Right-bank Ukraine (Kiev, Podolia i Volhynia Governorate) was not well developed. The biggest production was delivered by factories situated in Kiev Governorate. In years 1867–1900 the general value of industrial production in Kiev Governorate grew from 14 to 119 mln rubles and the number of workiers in 1879–1913 grew from 34 103 to 77 917. Food industry was the most important branch (sugar industry 74% of whole industrial production at the begining of XX c., mill industry, distillery). In second half of XIX c. Poles played a significant part in the development of food industry (sugar industry, mill industry, distillery) in Kiev Governorate nevertheless the participation of Polish enterprise declined gradually. In years 1867–1913 the number of sugar factories belonging to Poles went down from 66% to 36% in all governorates; the number of distilleries from 55% to 33%.
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