The Geislers from Wyczerpy Dolne – industrialists or landowners?
The Geisler family was a Jewish family of industrialists who owned “Paulina” Glass Works, “Julianów” Cotton Factory in Częstochowa as well as an estate in Wyczerpy Dolne. Izydor Geisler purchased the estate in the early 1890s in order to open there glass works (which he did in 1896). Natural resources (such as sand or clay) found in the estate constituted the foundation for the investment whereas natural produce supported the development of the plant. Not much attention was paid to agriculture. Geisler introduced innovative solutions in the relations between an industrial worker and an employer. By allocating a piece of land or food allowance to each laborer, and allowing them to breed cows in estate cow-houses, Geisler taught them how to provide for themselves and how to become independent from economic trends. There was no single economic strike in the glass works. Following the death of Izydor Geisler, the heirs did not manage to continue their father’s vision. The works were closed in 1927.
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