Labour issues in the programmes of Russian liberal parties at the beginning of 20th century
When Tar Nikolaj II declared his manifesto on October 17 (30), 1905, new political parties were established in Russia. Their programmes, among many others, touched their attitude towards the issue of labour, so popular at the time.
A conclusion that the politicians did not fully acknowledge the significance of the matter and their role in the political development of the country can be drawn.
Suprisingly, the appearance of liberal parties and their political programmes took place during the revolution of 1905, when the labourers of Lodz and Moscow took active role in fighting for their rights and a board of labour delegates was established in Iwano-Wozniesiensk.
A research of the programmes of political parties suggests that they did not satisfy the needs of the labourers who turned rather to radical-left side, ignoring even the Contitutional-Democratic Party, which stood on the extreme of the left wing of the Russian liberalism.
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