About the Journal
Focus and Scope of the Journal
„Studies in 19th and 20th Century Social and Economic History” is a scientific journal devoted to social and economic issues. It publishes articles, source publications, reviews, polemics and other forms of writing of scientific nature concerning both world history and the history of Poland from the late 18th century to contemporary times.
It is the only scientific publication of this type issued in Poland. Authors publishing in „Studies” are from many different scientific centres both at home and abroad. Their works represent a high level of expertise and the journal has entered the scientific circulation.
The first volume of „Studies” was published in 2003 on the initiative of Prof. Wiesław Puś PhD, the then head of the Department of Economic and Social History of the Institute of History at the University of Lodz, who was, at the same time, the Editor-in-Chief of the first nine volumes. Prof. Wiesław Puś PhD has been chairman of the Scientific Council of the journal since 2012, and the duties of the Editor-in-Chief were taken over by Lodz University Professor Jarosław Kita PhD, co-editor of volumes VII-IX.
All articles are available in Open Access CC BY-NC-ND
Amount of research and review articles which were published last year (2023): 17
Journals scoring by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education: 20 points (January 2024).
Publisher: Lodz University Press