Rules Regarding Special Issues

Rules Regarding Special Issues

Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica, being a member of COPE since 2018, adheres to the guidelines for editing guest issues following COPE recommendations:

  1. Special issues consist of the articles focussed on a particular subject that falls within the thematic scope of the Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica.
  2. Special issues are overseen by Guest Editors who are specialists in the respective field.
  3. Manuscripts for special issues should be prepared according to the general submission rules (see here) and submitted via the editorial platform.
  4. Guest Editors, together with the Editorial Team, coordinate the editorial process of articles submitted to the special issue and are responsible for assigning external peer-reviewers.
  5. All articles published in the Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica, inclusive of those to appear in a special issue, are peer-reviewed by at least two external reviewers.
  6. The Editor-in-Chief and Executive Editors, after reviewing the reviews, qualify the texts for publication.
  7. Special issues are published within the journal publishing schedule.