Soldier on the war and after the war. Problems of human behavior




man, war, death, human behavior, combat stress


The article is an introduction to the study of human behavior during the war and after the war. Applies only to the behavior of soldiers. An old soldier’s adage says that a soldier in the war does what he learned in training in peacetime. War is an inexorable, rigorous verifier of the level of training commands and staffs and troops. The author focused his attention on the issues of crisis on the first day of war, interpersonal relations, taming death, combat stress, the role of commanders, problems with adapting soldiers to function after returning from the war. The author tried to show the diversity of human behavior, pointing to positive and desirable traits, branding negative phenomena.


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How to Cite

Tym, J. S. (2019). Soldier on the war and after the war. Problems of human behavior. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica, (104), 215–233.