Lieutenant Colonel Rudolf Ksieniewicz (1898–1940) – bachelor of the order Virtuti Militari and a victim of the Katyn massacre. A contribution to the biography




Rudolf Ksieniewicz, Stefan Hojnowski, 45th Infantry Regiment, Polish Army, Katyn massacre, Rowne, history of Rowne, Katyn


The article presents a figure of Lieutenant Colonel Rudolf Ksieniewicz, one of the officers of the army of the Second Polish Republic. He born on the Estonian island Dago, after moving with his family, he is in the depths of Russia. In order to relieve parents financially, he joins to the Russian Army. Going up the career ladder, he becomes one of the organizers of the Polish Army on Siberia. As a result of battles he gets into Bolshevik slavery, in which he remains until October 1921. In free Poland, he continues his military career, reaching the rank of lieutenant colonel and rising to the position of first deputy commander in the 45th Infantry Regiment in Rowne in Wołyń. In 1939, after the mobilization of the 13th infantry division, he remained in the garrison, of which he became the commandant. After the entry of the Red Army on September 17, he was taken prisoner, in the spring of 1940 he was murdered.


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How to Cite

Stefański, M. (2019). Lieutenant Colonel Rudolf Ksieniewicz (1898–1940) – bachelor of the order Virtuti Militari and a victim of the Katyn massacre. A contribution to the biography. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica, (103), 89–100.