Military in the city. Hohenzoller’s soldiers in South Prussia (1793–1806)




South Prussia, 19th century, coity, military, garrison, everyday life


As a result of the Second Partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1793), a significant part of Polish lands was in the possession of Prussia. Immediately a new province was created – South Prussia (Südpreussen). One of the elements of the new reality was the presence of a large number of soldiers in the socio-economic space of the province. Many cities and towns have become garrison headquarters. A clash of two completely different collectives occurred. On the one hand, soldiers who were often accompanied by families, and on the other hand, the „locals” were forced into the framework of foreign administrative structures overnight. A complicated network between civilians and military was developing. The ethnic face of many, especially small, urban centers has changed. The advantage was that the army provided the opportunity to increase revenues, for instance through the services provided to it: food sales, transport, rental of accommodation, stables and storage areas. At the same time, the soldiers, poorly paid, sought to earn a living, recruiting for all possible activities. Mutual relations were not deprived of difficult moments, living together under one roof (soldiers’ quarters) caused quarrels. However, it was not them who decided about the whole of mutual relations – as evidenced by the proofs of cooperation in the intangible sphere. The march of most garrisons to the war with France (1806) ended the short period of existence of South Prussia. However, on the areas abandoned by Prussia, many tied to the former administration, including the military.


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How to Cite

Włodarczyk, Z. (2019). Military in the city. Hohenzoller’s soldiers in South Prussia (1793–1806). Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica, (103), 73–88.