Evacuation of the Polish 5th Siberian Rifle Division by Trans-Siberian Train. Withdrawal in 1919–1920 and capitulation


  • Dariusz Radziwiłłowicz Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie, Wydział Humanistyczny, Instytut Historii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych, Zakładu Historii XX wieku




civil war in Russia, Poles in Siberia, Bolsheviks, 5th Polish Rifle Division, evacuation, captivity


Over the last months of 1919, the condition of the White Army commanded by Admiral Alexander Kolchak was gradually deteriorating. The Bolshevik armies successively conquered the most important towns and industrial zones situated along the most important railway lines, including the Trans-Siberian Railway. It was decided to evacuate the allied troops supporting the White Army and consisting of various international contingents commanded by Maurice Janin, a French general, eastwards to Vladivostok by Trans-Siberian train, but it was definitely too late for that. In October 1919, it was decided to evacuate the troops of the Polish 5th Siberian Rifle Division. The decision was made when the morale of the troops of Kolchak hit rock bottom and the army started retreating along the only possible route – the Trans-Siberian railroad. By order of General Janin, commander-in-chief of the allied troops, the Polish division was supposed to be the rearguard of those troops. Due to chaos at the Trans-Siberian railway, the Polish troops often had to take trains needed for the evacuation by force. The commanders and the soldiers managed to adapt railway carriages (dubbed „Teplushka”) to winter conditions. The carriages were occupied by the soldiers, their families and other civilians, which adversely affected the military capabilities of the Polish troops. The evacuation took place in the harsh Siberian winter in temperatures of minus 30°C. From the end of November 1919 to the beginning of January 1920, over almost a thousand kilometres, the troops, gathered in 57 carriages, advanced along the destroyed Trans-Siberian railroad through civil-war zones, among hostile inhabitants of Siberia during a raging typhus epidemic. There were also three improvised armoured trains dubbed „Warszawa”, „ Kraków”, and „ Poznań”. During the evacuation, the carriages of the 5th Polish Siberian Rifle Division were occupied by a total of over fifteen thousand people. The capitulation of the said division at Klukviennaia station was undoubtedly a surprise, not only for the commanders. The actions of the commanders of the Czechoslovak Corps who blocked the railroad when the 5th Soviet Army and the Bolshevik partisans were attacking the Polish trains was considered to be intentional and aimed at destroying the Polish troops.


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How to Cite

Radziwiłłowicz, D. (2017). Evacuation of the Polish 5th Siberian Rifle Division by Trans-Siberian Train. Withdrawal in 1919–1920 and capitulation. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica, (99), 195–227. https://doi.org/10.18778/0208-6050.99.11