Events of the American Revolution in the Year 1776 According to Abigail Adams




Abigail Adams played a unique role in the years leading up to the declaration of American independence. She was a highly intelligent person with a forceful and a colourful personality. She was the only woman in American history to be the wife of one president and the mother of another.

When Abigail Adams married John Adams in 1764, she did not expect that her life would be changed by the Revolution. Her expectations of marriage were those established by the model of her parents and grandparents. She was prepared to assume domestic responsibilities and to be supported by and dependent her husband.

The American Revolution changed her life. While John Adams went to sit with the Continental Congress in Philadelphia, Abigail Adams was ready to take charge at home. Writing to her absent husband Abigail Adams recounted the battles that were sweeping the countyside. She described the apalling life conditions during the war.

Later Abigail Adams managed the household and the family finances successfully. She sold or traded different items which John Adams had sent her from Europe.

Abigail Adams was interested in women’s rights. She belived that women were as intelligent as men.

Finally Abigail Adams fullfield a man’s role but she was no feminist. She belived that women were domestic, that their primary functions were within the home as wife and mother.


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How to Cite

Stelmasiak, K. (1999). Events of the American Revolution in the Year 1776 According to Abigail Adams. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica, (64), 101–116.