Nobleman's Grave Chapels at the Area of Łęczyca-Sieradz from between 15. and First Half of 17. Century




There is still no satisfactory elaboration of the history of Central Poland architecture from last five centuries. This concerns the problem of grave chapels that were founded at the region of Łęczyca and Sieradz. Up till today at that area exist ca. 30 brick or stone chapels that are assumed to function already before year 1650. Original texts inform us about 15 more chapels that exist no longer. Moreover there were some wooden chapels also destroyed in the past. In between most interesting examples there arę gothic chapels in Będków (after 1462) and Brzeziny (ca. 1530). From buildings dated back to 16. century chapel and church in Chełm from ca. 1573 is worth mentioning. In between later objects is very interesting set of chapels founded by the Lasocki Family in Brzeziny from ca. 1600 year, completed by Rosary chapel, that served as presbytery in oratory created there. Another dome chapels are in Poddębice (ca. 1610), in Buczek (twin chapels) and in Chojne (from before 1621) were it is situated over sacrysty. Significant for domes of chapels at this area is use of triangular sails, instead of classic pendentives. In the time mentioned some chapels of townsman’s foundation were also constructed, like those in Widawa (from year 1617) and Brzeziny (from 1619).

Described objects served not only for sepulchral needs but had also important representative functions, being memorials of founders’ splendor. For example in chapel set from Brzeziny heraldic program and exposition of outside decoration was an important factor stressing the position of the family in the city, which at that time was already weakened. The foundation in Poddębice was connected with converted dissenter, who once raised against the king. Maybe references to architectonic forms connected with catholic and king’s foundations were introduced to underline change in the attitude of founder.


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How to Cite

Gryglewski, P. (2002). Nobleman’s Grave Chapels at the Area of Łęczyca-Sieradz from between 15. and First Half of 17. Century. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica, (74), 63–85.


