„In God We Trust”. Some Reflections on Divine Providence from Mayflower Compact to the Federal Constitution
faith, religion, divine Providence, Constitution, in God we trustAbstract
The first European settlers in America under the wing of the Pilgrim Fathers were convinced by them, that God and divine Providence helped them to live and work on the new land they arrived to. They were not only supposed to pray, but more importantly, to work hard and follow the rules, as these were the condition for their salvation. The first of these rules were written as the Mayflower Compact and they were continued in colonial chartes of rights and privileges. The summons of John Winthrop and Roger Williams also emphasized the idea of God’s help to the people who obey the norms of religion and law. The settlers believed in help of divine Providence in every moment of their lives. Besides the colonial chartes of rights, the main documents in American history, namely the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution (especially in the campaign for its ratification), also contained words confirming that God blesses the creators of the new American state. The words “In God we trust” have appeared as the motto on US dollars ever since 1956.
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