The Church and the Civil Authority in the Teachings of John Calvin
John Calvin, Church, State, authority, Protestantism, CalvinismAbstract
John Calvin’s concepts pertaining to the relationship between the Church and the State are closely linked to his ecclesiology. Prior to his arrival in Geneva in 1536 and commencing reformatory activities there, Calvin considered the Church primarily a community of people chosen for salvation, loosely related to the visible institutional Church. Little by little, the Reformer gave more value to the institutional Church, while noticing that it is within that Church that the invisible Church of the chosen ones exists. Together with raising the value of the institutional Church, a matter arose as to how the relationship between the Church and the State (the civil authorities) should be determined. Calvin was prompted to address this issue by among others the situation in Geneva, where the Reformed Church became the official state religion. Therefore, it was necessary to create ecclesiology that would correspond to the conditions at hand. Calvin started teaching that the power of the keys and the power of the sword differ in terms of the functions each of them fulfils, and consequently one should not merge them into one. The Church preaches the Gospel to people, whereas the state authority upholds the commandments of the Decalogue, justice, and peace, using the sword against wrongdoers. The Church and the State should then be separate. This concept augurs the subsequent separation of Church and State in modern Western countries. Nevertheless, since both of these authorities were brought to existence by God, they should be fulfilling the will of God, by helping people obey God’s Law. Consequently, Civil authority is not a secular authority.
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