Soldiers of Polish Descent in the Service of the Ukrainian Galician Army (1918–1920)
Ukraine, Poland, Ukrainian-Polish relations in the 20th century, Eastern Galicia, ZUNRAbstract
The article focuses on the 1918–1920 service in the Ukrainian Galician Army (UHA) of ethnic Poles and representatives of other nationalities who were born in the territory of today’s Poland. UHA was the armed forces of the West Ukrainian People’s Republic (Ukrainian abbreviation – ZUNR), which in the years 1918–1919 fought against the Polish army for the territory of Eastern Galicia, and from mid-1919 moved to the territory of “Great Ukraine” (the northern, central, and southern regions of Ukraine, which were controlled by another Ukrainian state – the Ukrainian People’s Republic [UNR]) and fought there with the units of white and red Russians. The approach to this issue is based on archival documents, memoirs and periodicals from that period, as well as on the research conducted by contemporary scientists. The author attempts to systematize the personal data of these soldiers of Polish descent known to us, in order to determine the reasons that directed them to the West Ukrainian military service, and to investigate their further fate. This topic is still under-researched and is important for a better understanding of historical processes taking place in the past.
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