Italy on the way to war. Preparation of Mussolini’s Italy for World War II
Benito Mussolini, fascism, Italy, interwar period, war armamentsAbstract
Italian fascism was formally born after the end of World War I. In fact, it grew out of a sense of the hurt and injustice of the 1919 peace treaty at Versailles. Benito Mussolini, using previously revealed philosophical views, managed to take over the leadership of the Blackshirts. From that point onwards, Benito Mussolini consistently built the concept of Italy as a colonial empire, striving for hegemony in the Mediterranean Basin. He was preparing the state and society for a new war that would repair the wrongs at Versailles and give Italy a new, true and just peace. Italy’s road to war began with the end of the previous war, and it never left that path.
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