Spies, fortifications, dislocations. The Austro-Hungarian consulate in Warsaw and the military issues in the years 1908–1914





spies, Russian–Poland, Austro-Hungary, diplomacy, World War I, Russian army


In the face of the deterioration of relations between Russia and Austria–Hungary, which took place after the Bosnian annexation crisis in 1908, both great powers strengthened their intelligence activity. Also the Austro-Hungarian consulate in Warsaw was visited by people offering their espionage services. Habsburg diplomats approached the offers very cautiously and suspiciously, not knowing whether they were dealing with a provocation or not. Their positive answer for such proposals could spark a diplomatic scandal and international crisis. However, they did not immediately reject such proposals, trying to test in direct talks the sincerity of the intentions of people ready to spy for the Danube monarchy. The consulate also tried to inform the headquarters in Vienna about military issues in Russian–Poland, such as changes in the dislocation of Russian troops, personnel changes in the highest command positions in the Warsaw military district or ongoing fortification works. They drew their knowledge on these topics mainly from the local press, conversations with Poles and Russians, and rumors they heard.


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Author Biography

Piotr Szlanta, Uniwersytet Warszawski / University of Warsaw

Dr hab. prof. UW Piotr Szlanta – dyrektor Stacji Naukowej PAN w Wiedniu. Ostatnio opublikował: Der »Polenfresser« gegen die »Reichsfeinde« Kaiser Wilhelm II. und die Polen 1888–1918 (Wiesbaden 2022) i Tannenberg 1914 (Warszawa 2022). Zainteresowania badawcze: historia Polski i krajów niemieckojęzycznych na przełomie XIX i XX w., I wojna światowa.


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How to Cite

Szlanta, P. (2022). Spies, fortifications, dislocations. The Austro-Hungarian consulate in Warsaw and the military issues in the years 1908–1914. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica, (111), 129–141. https://doi.org/10.18778/0208-6050.111.08

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