A few remarks on teaching history
history teaching online, distance learning, new methods, educationAbstract
Young generation’s immersion in electronics, while being accustomed to fast, dynamic communication, creates new challenges for history teaching. Young people’s reluctance to use textbooks and professional literature is growing. Even more so, because an alternative has emerged in the form of materials published on social networks and streaming platforms. Students are more and more willing to use this type of solution. This phenomenon will only grow. Online learning, however, is of concern and controversy. The main risk is the lack of control over the published content, which calls into question its substantive value. On the one hand, one can protest against such a state of affairs, but on the other hand, the Internet can be used as a key to attracting school students to scientific topics in an accessible way. Thus, make the student want to explore the topic. However, this requires a certain amount of work from the educator and effort related to the need to become familiar with terra incognita in the form of the social media environment. The aim of this activity is to be able to recommend materials worthy of attention to students and to warn them of publications of questionable scholarly value.
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